Skin Purging Explained

Purging is wayyyy less common than the internet claims. What IS more common is skin irritation (cosmetic dermatitis) so let's talk about what skin purging actually is...

What it is

  • When bacteria from the deeper layers of the skin come to the surface, resulting in a pimple.

  • It can happen within the first few weeks of using a new product.

  • It can occur with products/ingredients that increase cellular turnover.

Ingredients that can (but not always) cause purging

  • Retinoids (prescription & non-prescription)

  • AHA / BHA

  • Chemical peels

  • Potentially, benzoyl peroxide

  • Some prescription oral acne medications like Isotretinoin/Accutane ("the worse before better situation")

While the act of skin purging can be pretty annoying, in the long run, it's helping push bacteria, sebum, and dead skin cells out of your pores which, in my opinion, is a good thing. Skin purging shouldn't last for months or occur in areas of your face you don't usually break out. If your skin starts to improve after the initial purge, you will know it's just that.


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