
What is Rosacea?

Rosacea is a common chronic skin disease and unfortunately, the exact cause is unknown and still being studied. It affects an estimated 16 million Americas and 415 million people worldwide. However, many studies suggest it may a combination of an abundance of bacteria and skin mites (I know!) followed by the inflammatory response. But don't worry, both are present in all human skin it's just found in greater numbers in those with rosacea.

Rosacea is categorized by redness, swelling, broken blood vessels, stinging/burning of the skin and eye area, and sometimes cystic acne. These symptoms are typically found in the center of the face starting at the nose and extending outwards on the cheeks, chin, and forehead.

Rosacea often runs in families, it tends to be more common in women, people with fair skin/light eyes, and usually appears or is diagnosed between 30-50 years old but not unusual to appear in the 20s.

Getting Diagnosed  

I highly recommend seeing a dermatologist since a doctor is the only one that can properly diagnose. Estheticians are trained to recognize and treat the symptoms of rosacea, but we definitely can't diagnosis the skin since it's out of our scope of practice. And over the years working in the facial room, I can't tell you the number of clients I have self and misdiagnose rosacea for broken blood vessels and vice versa. See a doctor for a proper diagnosis! 

Different Types of Rosacea

There are actually four different subtypes of rosacea and can manifest differently in different people.

Erythematotelagiectatic Rosacea - Visible blood vessels with redness and flushing

Papulopustular Rosacea - Cystic acne breakouts with redness and swelling.

Phymatous Rosacea - Bumpy skin texture with thickening of the skin

Ocular Rosacea - Eyelids can be swollen, eyes red and irritated and it may look like a sty. 

Treatment of Rosacea 

Depending on the severity and how much it affects a person there are many different combinations and multi-treatment approaches to treating the symptoms. Sometimes short-term oral antibiotics are prescribed in combination with topical prescriptions to jump-start the treatment plan in addition to gentle consistent home care with skincare products. 

Medical Treatments

The most common topical treatments are Rx strength azelaic acid and Metronidazole gel commonly known as Metro gel.  For people that suffer from rosacea with acne sometimes low strengths of tretinoin cream or sulfur facial cleanser are prescribed. Intense pulsed light (IPL) or pulsed dye lasers (PDL) treatments often yield fantastic results in addition.

Skincare + Other Treatments

Topical and oral probiotics are a great addition to a rosacea treatment plan. This study by Leonard B. Weinstock, MD suggests that in half of the rosacea study participants there is an intestinal bacterial overgrowth in the small intestines. Interesting right? Then on the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology website this...

"In an Italian study, half of the patients were administered an oral probiotic supplement in addition to their standard acne and rosacea treatment. The other half of the patients did not receive the probiotic supplement. The probiotic group experienced a better clearing of acne and rosacea symptoms."

So yet again, probiotics for the win! Topical probiotic skincare products also are shown to help since they deliver straight to the source.

I have compiled a handy list of "yes" and "no" ingredients, types of skincare products, and good habits that have been shown to help treat the symptoms of rosacea. Since everyone has their own unique skin and body chemistry, treatment approaches will be individual, and working with a dermatologist is a great idea. 

The Rosacea “No” List

  • Physical exfoliating scrubs/polishes

  • No microdermabrasion 

  • Simple alcohols

  • Anything with charcoal

  • Sodium lauryl sulfate - found in most cleansers, shampoos, and toothpaste

  • Foaming cleansers - can be too drying/harsh 

  • Witch hazel

  • Synthetic fragrance

  • Synthetic dyes

  • Urea

  • Topical steroids like hydrocortisone cream

  • AHA and BHA

  • Hydroquinone (skin lightener)

  • Peppermint, menthol, camphor, and/or eucalyptus essential oils

  • Avoid hot baths/showers, saunas, and steam rooms

  • Avoid washing your face with hot water - lukewarm is best!

  • Little to no steam during a facial and request your esthetician to cool the hot towels to slightly warm before using them on your face. 

The Rosacea “Yes” List

  • Azelaic acid

  • Gentle enzymes are the best exfoliation method for rosacea

  • Green tea extract

  • Aloe vera

  • Hemp seed oil and/or CBD oil

  • Sulfur

  • Zinc

  • Resveratrol - antioxidant 

  • Chamomile

  • Niacinamide

  • Ice rollers

  • Use minimal products and stay consistent with the products that work for you

  • After cleansing, pat dry (instead of rubbing) with a clean cotton towel

  • SUNSCREEN - since sun exposure is the #1 trigger for rosacea flare-ups, W E A R  I T. Mineral sunscreens are best for rosacea that contains zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, or both.

  • Green primers or color correctors balance out redness before foundation.

  • Mineral-based makeup is best for rosacea.

  • Topical and oral probiotics

Rosacea triggers

I know this is not what anyone wants to hear but there are food, weather, and lifestyle triggers for rosacea. If you are newly diagnosed I recommend keeping a journal on personal triggers to truly find out what affects you individually. 

Weather Triggers

  • Sun (The #1 trigger!)

  • Wind

  • Humidity

  • Extremely hot or cold weather

Lifestyle Triggers

  • Steam rooms or saunas

  • Hot tubs

  • Hot showers/baths

  • Stress and anxiety

Food/Beverage Triggers

  • Alcohol - especially red wine, beer, bourbon, gin, vodka, or champagne (alcohol dilates blood vessels.)

  • Thermally hot drinks - hot drinks heat the back of the throat and produce facial flushing

  • Spicy Foods

  • Yogurt

  • Sour cream

  • Cheese (except cottage cheese)

  • Chocolate

  • Vanilla

  • Soy sauce

  • Yeast extract (bread is OK)

  • Vinegar

  • Eggplant

  • Avocados

  • Spinach

  • Beans- lima, navy, or pea

  • Citrus fruits, tomatoes, bananas,

  • Red plums, raisins, and figs


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