What Is The Difference? Dermaplaning VS. Face Shaving

What is Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is the exfoliation or removal of the top layer of the epidermis/dead akin cells using a sterile, surgical-grade, super sharp, single blade scalpel held at a 45-degree angle with swift, delicate strokes performed by a trained professional. In the dermaplaning process, peach fuzz is removed.

Benefits of Dermaplaning

  • Promotes cellular turnover & the production of collagen & elastin.

  • Removes dirt & oil buildup in the hair follicles

  • Softens rough skin texture/dry patches

  • Brightens skin tone & softens fine lines

  • Skincare products penetrate better giving you optimal benefits

  • Removes peach fuzz so makeup application & look is smoother

  • Improves superficial hyperpigmentation & the appearance of mild scars

The Difference

To simply put it, dermaplaning is a SKIN TREATMENT and shaving is HAIR REMOVAL. However, they both have subsequent effects like a very mild exfoliation with shaving or the removal of peach fuzz with dermaplaning. However, the results you will receive with dermaplaning is a more effective superior skin treatment with benefits at the cellular level rather than simply removing hair using a shaving razor.

All of this being said, if your goal is to remove peach fuzz for a smoother makeup application/look shaving every 3-4 weeks may be the way to go for you. However, if you want a skin treatment to help alleviate certain skin conditions, dermaplaning by a trained professional may be the best option!

Since I use Tretinoin and can’t wax my upper lip anymore I do a quick shave once a week with my favorite Tinkle Razors.


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