Dry vs. Dehydrated Skin

Dehydrated Skin

  • Lacking water

  • A skin condition any skin type may experience

  • It may be temporary/seasonal

  • Can feel oily & dry at the same time - may break out

  • Causes: weather, incorrect skincare products, steam rooms, heat/air conditioning, pollution, flying, etc.


  • Water-rich products - toners & serums

  • Consider a humidifier

Dry Skin

  • Underproducing sebum (oil)

  • A genetic skin type

  • Constant year-round & may be worse in cold weather

  • Feels dry all over - face, scalp & body

  • Maybe both dry AND dehydrated

  • Causes: genetics, hormones, thyroid conditions, medications

  • Pores will be smaller in size


  • Oil-rich products

  • Creams, oils, balms

Symptoms of Both

  • Itchy

  • Tight feeling

  • Flaky

  • Dull looking

  • May feel sensitive

  • Products may sting/burn

  • Rough skin texture

  • Fine lines may look accentuated

Does Drinking Water Hydrating the Skin?

Mmmm, not so much. When we drink water it has to pass through the entire digestive tract which is pretty hostile and acidic, excretory organs and muscle tissue. The process is too quick and you'll urinate it out before it ever reaches the correct layers of the skin. 

The myth likely comes from people seeing a difference in the skin after drinking a good amount of water over a period of time. Well, you have your kidneys to thank for flushing out all those toxins making the skin appear better. However, it does not actually lubricate the skin and the topical application of products is the best most effective way to do so.


Sensitive vs. Sensitized Skin


How Sugar Affects The Skin