Can You Tan Without Damaging Your Skin?


A tan is the result of the skin's defenses kicking in. When UV light hits the skin, it damages the skin cell's DNA, causing them to produce melanin to protect them. If the skin is tanned, the DNA and skin are already damaged, which is essentially a scar to the skin. (Please, note this does not include naturally tan or deeper skin tones.)

And while we are talking about it, a sunburn, on the other hand, is more extreme skin damage. While even naturally darker skin tones can still burn, it is most often found in people with less melanin and fairer skin tones. When the skin peels from a sunburn, it is the body's way of getting rid of damaged skin cells at risk of potentially becoming cancerous. While red and peeling skin is viewed as aesthetically annoying, it's actually your skin protecting itself.

If you still want a bronzed glow, sunless tanners or body bronzing creams are excellent options!


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